The idea of the Aryans as foreigners who invaded India and destroyed the existing Harappan Civilization is a modern European invention; it does not receive any support from the ancient records – literary or archaeological. The same is true of the Aryan idea as a race; it has no support in ancient literature or traditions.
The word ' Aryan ' in Sanskrit means noble and not race . The word Arya, according to those who coined the term, would be used to describe people who observe a code of ethics; Aryans or non-Aryans depending on whether they follow this code or not. This is made very clear in the Manudharma Shastra or Manusmriti (X.43-45).
According to the theory, the Aryans attacked. But it does not contain any reference to the invasion or migration to Bharatbarsha . Every tribe that migrates to a distant land, must be nostalgic for their hometown. Most importantly, the battle with Dasyus, who is depicted as a dark being, is clearly mythological, similar to the battle in the Puranas between the gods and the asuras.
The Rig Veda has many references to the sea, ships, shipping, storms, and waves, all of which invaders from Central Asia would have known. There is also no mention of a distant homeland in the Rig-Veda . It is concluded that all major components of the population of ancient India have been living here for at least 50,000 years. (Mitochondrial DNA lineages, T. Kivisild et. al, Current Biology, Vol 9, No 22, pp 1331-134)
Archaeological Evidence
Had Arya migrated, would have expected some evidence of various tools, weapons, objects of everyday use, pottery styles or art forms, but that is not the case. In addition, if there is a conflict between the natives and the invaders, the skeleton must show signs of war; none found.
The principal researchers of the Rakhigarhi expedition team — Vasant Shinde and Neeraj Rai — say that the knowledge ecosystem in the Vedic era was guided by “fully indigenous” people with limited external contacts. According to Rai, the evidence suggests a predominantly indigenous culture that voluntarily spread to other areas, not being displaced or overrun by an Aryan invasion.
“The condition of the human skeleton, burials… all show the absence of palaeo-pathological symptoms that could indicate disease due to lack of medical care. The people here are healthy; denture morphology showed that the teeth were free from any infection; healthy bones, so is the skull.".
The study, in fact, notes that some of the funerary rituals observed in Rakhigarhi cemeteries are in effect, even now in some communities, showing remarkable continuity over thousands of years. There doesn't seem to be a major breakthrough in culture as the Aryan invasion scenario would require.
On the other hand, there is ample evidence of continuity of tradition, indicating that the transition was gradual. The same types of weights and measures continue to be used; even in the Gupta period found the same weights as those used in the city of Harappa were used.
Even in modern times it is found that the same types of water jugs, wagons, surmas and comb designs are used, such as skulls. an extraordinary continuity over thousands of years.
Genetic Studies
DNA studies are one of the unfailable methods that can prove/disprove a theory. As published in the American journal in 2011, one study was conducted to analyze DNA in the northwestern part of India to further elucidate the Aryan Invasion theory.
The study clearly shows that there was no genetic entry 3,500 years ago, said Dr Kumarasamy Thangaraj from CCMB, who led the research team, which included scientists from the University of Tartu, Estonia, Chettinad Academy of Research and Education, Chennai and Banaras. Hindu University.
The researchers analyzed about six lakh bits of genetic information in the form of SNPs extracted from the DNA of more than 1,300 individuals from 112 populations including 30 ethnic groups in India. Comparison of these data with genetic data of other populations indicates that South Asia has two major ancestral components. One of them is spread over the populations of South and West Asia, the Middle East, the Near East and the Caucasus.
The second component is more restricted to South Asia and accounts for more than 50 percent of the offspring in the Indian population. The genetic component that spreads outside India is significantly higher in India than in other parts of the world.
This implies that this genetic component originated in India and then spread to West Asia and the Caucasus," said Gyaneshwar Chaube of the University of Tartu, Estonia. Recently, DNA studies of skeletal remains found at the Harappa site in Rakhigarhi, Haryana, showed no traces of Central Asia, indicating that the Aryan Invasion Theory was flawed and the Vedic evolution was not caused by external influences.
The director of the Rakhigarhi research team, Prof. Vasant Shinde has highlighted that the skeletal remains found belong to those who died from the flood, not the invasion. He also went on to confirm that we are of Harappan descent, not Iranian/Central Asian.
One of the Aryan Invasion theories is the similarity between Sanskrit, Latin and Greek, which is said to prove that there was once a proto-Indo-European language, from which all three were descended. Aryans came up with their language and influenced the native language - Sanskrit.
But the same sources do not prove the direction of migration; it is very possible that the Aryans traveled from India to Europe. Also, it should be pointed out that Vedic Sanskrit has a large number of vowels which are not present in such numbers in other Indo-European languages and the consonants are purer. This indicates that ancient Sanskrit is the original source, or at least the oldest source.
Several other arguments are often thrown into the table trying to prove that Sanskrit itself originated from the Aryans. One such logic focuses on the similarities between Sanskrit and Old Persian.
But if we pay close attention, in Zorastranism, "Asuras" are referred to as Gods and Devas in Persian are depicted in a negative light . As we have seen from history that Xerxes (King of Persia) forcibly banned the worship of Gods in Persia, we can conclude that the Persians actually separated themselves from the ancient Hindus and they wanted to show their differences.
We can see the word Sindhu repeatedly in the Vedas . The Indus river is called Sindhu which actually means sea. Why are rivers commonly referred to as seas, even though there are oceans crossing the Indian border?
Since in the Vedic term , Sindhu does not denote the sea, there is a separate word for it “ocean”. The term is often used in various parts of the Rig-Veda where Varuna (one of the oldest Vedic deities mentioned in Hittite inscriptions 1400 BC) is categorically declared ruler of the seas. Another Vedic God , Indra, is known as the destroyer of Forts, the so-called Aryans are a nomadic tribe, how can they imagine a fort?
There are many other examples where a frenzied attempt is made to decipher the supremacy of people of western roots. Some crazy theorists have even tried to say that the Egyptians, Assyrians, Chinese and Indians – all the great civilizations were formed by the same western group. Some even say that "Christ" became "Krishna" when he came to India. But those theories are for obvious political reasons, as is the "Aryan Invasion Theory."
Astronomy Reference
The Vedas are much older than just 1500 BC timestamps. The proof lies in Archaeo-astronomical references in ancient Indian texts. Herman Jacobi (1850-1937) was a Sanskrit scholar and astronomer, whose unique combination of skills allowed him to notice, in the Rig Veda , that a linguist without an understanding of astronomy, or an astronomer with little knowledge of the Vedas would never be able to see.
Jacobi's chance discovery is part of Rig Veda V.18–19 which describes the full moon on the day of the winter solstice in the month Phalguna . Jacobi correctly dates the event to sometime in the third millennium BC or earlier.
In 1893, Bal Gangadhar Tilak had recorded a reference in the Rig Veda to the occurrence of the vernal equinox in the constellation Orion, dating to 4,000 BC. While the dates may be a topic of dispute, they are all older than the rigid 1500-1000 BC dates that linguists are asking to support their theories through false Aryan mythical stories. In the statement note the concurrency of three events – “The Full Moon”, “the day of the winter solstice” and “the month of Phalguna.