The existence of black holes initially gave credibility to the Big Bang theory that the universe only started as a speck, and because of the intense pressure exerted on quantum particles in their densest mass by the force of gravity to cause massive explosions, forming stars, galaxies, dust and other objects in various directions.
It was like the sudden explosion of a giant firecracker, which lit up the universe with light and thunder. The explosion was so powerful that the universe (or rather space-time) has been expanding continuously since then.
It is believed that the expansion of the universe outward will continue for another few billion years, until the initial impulse loses momentum. Then the universe started falling again and ended up as a huge black hole. All matter condensed again into tiny specks, and other universes might emerge from it.
Although scientists initially believed that the expansion of the universe would eventually have to slow down and reverse at some point, evidence suggests otherwise. According to recent research, the pace of expansion has not slowed down. On the contrary, it has accelerated.
In a quantum sense, this means that the fabric of space-time has stretched further and further, thus spreading matter and energy thinner and thinner.
In layman's terms, this means that in billions of years the distance between the galaxy and the interstellar dust cloud will increase, and the sky will look gloomier and darker with fewer visible stars and star systems. Since space-time has been accelerating rather than slowing down, it is likely that the universe is collapsing into a black hole. Therefore, it is difficult to predict how and when the universe will end.
Because of such inconsistencies, scientists now doubt whether the Big Bang explosion ever occurred and whether there is any justification for it. The Big Bang theory does appear to be humanly rational, but then logic is something that still seems very distant from the universe. The quantum world, which is the underbelly of the universe, is a different beast, where the known laws of physics don't work consistently.
Therefore, to explain some of the anomalies in the current theory of the universe, astrophysicists have recently come up with a new theory, based on observations and studies of black holes and the way they attract objects and consume them.
According to him, they think that the universe is just a three-dimensional projection of a black hole. Information stored in the event horizon of a super-sized black hole can act as the source from which it is projected outward as a matrix or hologram , giving the impression that it is the universe itself. The black hole itself may be part of a four-dimensional universe, and the information for the projection may come from a giant star that may have fallen into the black hole and been crushed into a subatomic primal soup,
These ideas may sound absurd, but they have a mathematical basis and can be validated with our knowledge of black holes and their mechanisms. Black holes in the universe only have a two-dimensional horizon while the universe has a 3D horizon.
The boundary surrounding a black hole in the universe is two-dimensional, where objects from the three-dimensional universe are pulled by the force of gravity. The event horizon is considered to be a large information system or a giant data warehouse. They not only draw objects but also store information about them in two dimensions, before letting them fall into the vortex of the black hole.
When objects collapse into a black hole, information about each object becomes stored in the Event Horizon in 2D format. If you have the power to take advantage of that big data, you can completely recreate that object in two dimensions.
The process is somewhat similar to how a computer system displays a 3D image on a screen, from data stored on a computer's hard disk. The comparison may not be completely correct because the information stored on the computer is partial and does not really represent the original image. For all practical purposes it is a ghost image. You can only see it, but cannot touch it or smell it because that particular information is not stored in the system. Therefore, even though you can see the image, it is really a very downsized and diluted version, with none of the original material going into the formation of the object present.
In the case of black holes, the information stored in the event horizon is complete. The original matter, which is an object also remains, even though it is highly compressed and split into subatomic states. Therefore, the reality projected by him is close to the original object, minus one dimension. It contains not only its physical properties but also its sub-atomic configuration, status and other information. Therefore, when projected outward, it is exactly the same as the original object, with every minute detail down to the quantum level.
The ideas presented in this section may seem implausible, but they have a theoretical and mathematical basis. With a few exceptions and anomalies, they can be proved mathematically. The theory that the universe is a hologram is now known as the Holographic Principle, and is widely accepted as plausible. According to some, it may eventually resolve the fundamental differences between Einstein's Theory of Relativity and Quantum mechanics. To some extent, it also explains the "information paradox" or the question of what happens to the information pertinent to the matter when matter itself is absorbed and dissolved into a quantum state by a black hole.
Holographic Principles in Advaita Vedanta
According to the holographic principle we discussed earlier, reality or what we experience as a world or universe is a giant 3D hologram or matrix. We can consider it unreal, because it is a projection, an illusion or a mirage.
The idea that the universe is a projection or large holograph is very similar to the basic premise of Advaita Vedanta , which states that the world we live in is just a projection, illusion, or play of Maya . Therefore, it shows that we should not be fooled by the appearance of worldly objects. Instead, we should understand the truth behind them and cultivate attachment and commonality.
Advaita Vedanta asserts that the world is an illusion ( Maya ). Reality is the only one, namely Brahman . It is eternal, indestructible, unchanging, stable, independent and without division, qualities and attributes. In creation, that reality becomes as much or appears as much as possible. It appears from God as a projection or dream and subsides when he draws it.
Thus, the world and beings appear in the ocean of God's pure consciousness as rising and falling waves. Even though it appears real to us, what emerges from it as projections or spider webs is temporary and can be damaged. Due to limited knowledge, we cannot understand the reality of Brahman . We by perception become deceived and bound.
In Hinduism, Manifested Brahman is described as the God of Death ( Kala ). Technically, a black hole is a symbol of death. The God of Death is also depicted as a voracious predator, which is also the case with black holes. Just as everything here is food for the God of Death ( Kala ), everything around the black hole is eaten by him.
The ancient sages have made several observations about the universe and its creation in philosophical terms which bear a fundamental resemblance to modern theories of the quantum universe. It is possible that the human mind is modeled on the universe itself and its functions, where in rare moments of déj vu, inadvertently step into the inner workings and produce brilliant theories such as Einstein's Theory of Relativity or Heisenberg's quantum theory of indeterminism or the Theory of Chaos. .
The Advaita Vedanta philosophy has been around for almost two thousand years. Many write about Holographic principles like Plato's, but ignore the Advaita philosophy of Shankara , who was one of the greatest thinkers of the ancient Hindu world. Whether they admit it or not, Hindus believe that the world is an illusion or a projection, an idea that finds acceptance and validation in today's quantum physics.