An ingenious method of expressing each number using a set of 10 symbols (each symbol has a place value and an absolute value). The idea seems so simple now that its deep significance and importance is no longer appreciated.
These numbers also come from vedic science and are directed for the benefit of mankind, because without these numbers no scientific progress is possible including the latest computer science.
- The origin of the word 1 ( Ekah ) comes from Purusha (Saguna Brashman) which is venerated as " Tadekam " (that one). Then Prakriti or Sakti joins with Saguna Brahman to begin the work of creation and proclaim the Supreme Principle as the unfathomable dvi tiya .
- Then came the number 2 (Dvau) . Sanskrit grammar is the only grammar that talks about double numbers ( dvivachana ).
- Then appeared 3 (trayah); Tri Gunas as Sattva, Rajas and Tamas . We all know creation begins when they are mixed, manifested as Brahma, Vishnu and Siva for Creation, Preservation and Destruction.
- Then came the 4 Vedas (Chaturveda) spreading their wisdom to the four corners ( Chatur disah ) through the politeness of Chatur mukha Brahma . It is supposed to carry the symbol 4 (Chatvarah) in the divine language.
- Then the element of Panchabhuta carries the symbol 5 , created the main ingredient in all creations.
- Then 6 (shat) is the emergence of the six-headed Supreme Intelligence (Shanmukha) which is necessary for human creativity which gives the scope of the first perfect numbers known to Mathematics today. Also the descent of the sixth incarnation of Parsurma , as well as perfect intelligence in fully developed human form.
- Then Sapta Rishi appeared on the scene. That's for the symbol 7 (Sapta) , with the task of developing humanity.
- Then the guardian god who served as Ashta Dikpalaka was created which contributed to the symbol 8 (Ashta) .
- Gazing at the stars and planets, sages recognize the Navagrahas that shape the destiny of human life by their influence. It reveals symbol 9 (nava) . The wise then do not know where and how to go further.
- Then they hear the unexpected Nirguna Brahman as 0 because he is Sunya and Purna at the same time which gives them rhythmic regularity and shows them how to multiply or add or subtract to reveal later.
But Rishi didn't know who it was, how big or how small. They call it anoraneeyaan mahatoe maheeyaan -- smaller than the smallest, larger than the largest. As we all know 0 gives place value in rhytam which again is Vyahriti of Absolute Brahman . Anything multiplied by 0 is 0 but the zero itself is unaffected (meaning it is set free in zero) reminiscent of the mantra “ Poornamadah Poornamidam ”--full everywhere and whichever way you look at it.
Bhaskaracharya was the first mathematician to reveal to the world the intimate relationship between " sunya " and " ananthaha ", between Zero and Infinity . Any quantity divided by " sunya " equals Infinity , he says.
For example, take a value like 16 and divide (" haraha ") by a decreasing divisor. What happened? The quotient is getting bigger. For example 16 divided by 4 = 4; and 16 divided by 2 = 8; and finally when 16 is divided by 0 it equals "Infinity!" Every quantity, every value in the world, when divided by "sunya", yields the same quotient or result i.e. Infinity, " ananthaha "
Such is the mighty power of Zero that it can increase and connect all values on earth with the glorious state of infinity - the same state in which the Almighty God, of the holy " Sahasranama ", is said to dwell forever as a rule.
Aryabhatta much later said the symbol of the Absolute Sunyam ( 0 ) was Nirguna Brahman . With its rhythmic movements, it can be smaller than the smallest and larger than the largest " anoraneeyaan mahatoe mahiyan ".
Looking at the Nirguna Brahman (0) , on the right side of the Saguna Brahman Aryabhatta can visualize a manifold increase in appearance as ( dasa ) increasing its face value. This is the first place value.
Hindus turn around clockwise to always face the gods. When the Saguna Brahman symbol appears with two Nirguna Brahman symbols on the right, it gets a place value as ( sata ) and so on. He then gets another place value for 1 as well as eight other absolute value symbols in the series.
Aryabhatta also recognizes Sakti as a point ( Bindu ) as in Srichakra ( . ). When this Sakti appears on the left side of 1 (Saguna Brahman ) its power is reduced by dasa amsa . This appears to be the origin of the modern decimal ( dasaamsa ) system.
Amazingly when Bindu appears to the left of Nirguna Brahman (0) his face value is not disturbed at all. One Bindu is the smallest particle. With two points, a line begins to form that can lead to infinity. With two dots below the series and one above the star, a geometric configuration is found in Srichakra. The most basic Vedic sacrificial agnichayana uses a fire altar defined by 7 long squares of sacrifice. 4 equal parts of the area define the body, 2 wings and a tail each. This paved the way for solid geometries.
What is interesting is that the word symbols ekah, dvau, trayah, chatwaarah….dasah, satah, sahasrah, koti etc. existed long before the start of modern civilization in the Hindu scriptures which inspired people to discover Mathematics which today has been used in amazing computer science. .
Vedas say Brahman is Samvatsarah (Year) -- Samvatsarh sa esha Purushah ( Purusha is Samvatara ), Kaala (time), Aksharah (letter) -- Om ityekaaksharam (Om is one letter which is Brahman) etc. By the same analogy, Brahman can be a Sankhya (number) as well.
Based on my little knowledge of astronomy, I think the distance of the Sun from the earth divided by the diameter of the Sun is approximately 108. Also Vishnu Sahasranama contains 108 slokas which can be called 108 mantras.
There is a saying: Trivaaaaram Satyam (what is said three times is true). In court we stated repeat three times --- I will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
We repeat Shanti three times. 108 is 36 times 3; 1008 is 336 times 3 and 100008 is 33336 times 3. This is the basis of Sahsranama archana and Laksharchana . Everything is based on the holy number 3.
I also wonder why Christianity says that God created the world in six days. Six is the first perfect number and therefore God decided to complete His perfect practical work in six days.
Ten is the symbol of the first four numbers seen together; 1, 2, 3, and 4 (1+2+3+4=10). 28 is the next perfect number after 6 which is used to glorify the divine first perfect number 6.
Many people think odd numbers are lucky and signify continuity. Therefore when offering dakshina or monetary rewards to priests they always give 11, 101 etc. The sacred numbers 1 and 3 should motivate them to think so. Even numbers can be divided equally and therefore the action is final in division. Odd numbers always leave 1 when dividing equally. 1 signifies Purusha as an odd number that stands out as if untouchable and unique and maintains continuity. Why are 1 and 3 sacred? 1 is always Sadguna Brahman. 3 is always 1+1+1 when divided equally and again points to Sadguna Brahman. Therefore there is a special meaning to 1 and 3, as very sacred. Therefore all odd numbers are divine.
Hindus bow to Durga once because she is primordial; other gods three times. This is because of the special meaning for one and three. They also consider even numbers unfavorable and indicate the final act and offer priests after cremation as dakshina (reward) in even numbers like 10, 100 etc. Pythagoras and Einstein also spoke of the mysticism of numbers.
There is a view that "If Infinity is immeasurable, so is Zero". Mathematically, one can define zero as anti-infinity. If "Infinite" is immeasurable abundance, "Zero" is immeasurable emptiness. If you imagine, say, an endless series of values, from zero to infinity, floating somewhere out there in endless space, then, surely, Zero will be at one end, while infinity will be found at the other. And if you think about it deeply, it will make “ Zero ” and “ Infinity ” two sides of the same coin that cannot be grasped.
By the same logic, you might say that the Sanskrit “ ananthaha ” and “ shunyah ” may seem contradictory but in reality they mean the same thing. Calling Almighty God the "God of Infinity" is therefore no different from calling Him "God of Zero (Emptiness)".
Let us discuss Sahasranama bhashya , Adhi Sankara first.
In his commentary, Sri Sankara describes “ sunya ” as “a name for God, the Supreme Brahman , who is “ nirguna ” – i.e. Being completely devoid of any qualities or attributes. In other words, according to the Sankara school of metaphysics , God is " guna sunyan ".
According to this explanation, God is beyond all attributes. His attributes like omnipotence, omniscience, etc. only helps us in ascertaining His reality but does not define Him. The truth of God's existence cannot be understood by us by reference to His qualities or uses alone, says Sankara.
Brahman is to be understood as a Being who stands far from and beyond all His infinitely great qualities ( ananthaha ) – i.e. He is nirguna brahman , qualityless , which is of “zero” quality. Therefore it is appropriate to call Him “ shunyah ”
Let us turn to another explanation found in Sri Parashara Bhattara's (11 AD) commentary on Vishnu Sahasranamam entitled bhagavadh guna dharpanam .
Bhattara explains " shunyah " in a way typical of the Visishtadvaitha school of theology . According to this school, God is the Supreme Abode of all auspicious attributes. The Almighty is full of innumerable good qualities such as gny+an+a , bala , aiswarya , virya , shakthi and thejas . In Visishtadvaitha , God is ananthakalyana guna ganan i.e. Brahman is a Being with Infinite Number of Happy and Beneficial Attributes. Theology goes on to state that God, naturally, also has no qualities at all.
According to Bhattara, insofar as Brahman is full of infinite good qualities, He is known as ananthaha . And insofar as He is truly without flawed qualities, He is known as God with “no blemish” – in other words, He is shunyah .
From a purely theological point of view, both explanations above are equally valid and completely satisfactory (depending of course on the Vedanta school – Sankara or Ramanuja – which one tends to be). However, for someone who is not steeped in the nuances and beauties of Vedantic theology, (especially for someone who cannot really appreciate the technical distinction between metaphysical "nirguna" and Brahman "savisesha"), Adhi Sankara and Parashara Bhattara's explanation for " sunya " it may just seem like a saying that is described as "half empty" by one and "half full" by another.
General knowledge of the world around us reveals how powerful the concept of Zero , “ sunya ”, really is. When we look at the history of Zero, we realize why “ sunya ” is indeed all-powerful!
Until about 1500 years ago no one in the world outside India could count a number beyond 9. The entire Greco-Roman West world did not know about the Hindu numeral system that is in force throughout the world today. The Romans relied on the alphabet to denote numbers – like I, X and C or with V, L and D. In their system, the number 32 had to be written, for example, as XXXII but writing numbers like 3200 or 32000 for the Greeks and Romans presented problems huge that is often insurmountable! For several centuries Greco-Roman civilization struggled with this complicated numbering system.
That is the main reason why for almost a thousand years Western mathematics has hardly progressed beyond basic methods of calculating and measuring using crude devices such as the abacus. The Greeks and Romans had no knowledge of how to handle large numbers, ratios, series, functions and complex algebraic calculations. Western thought only stagnated for centuries because it could not grapple with the mathematical problems of large numbers and calculations.
Somewhere between 1000 and 1200 AD, the Western world came into contact with the Hindu world and it was then that the Hindu numeral system opened Europeans' eyes to a whole new world of mathematical thought.
The Arabs had long borrowed and used the Hindu numeral system that had been used in ancient India for more than 1000 years before. The Hindu system does not use an alphabet but a simple yet versatile scheme of numeric symbols ranging from "Zero" - " sunya" the famous - and ends with 9. These symbolic numbers make it very easy to represent and calculate calculated values anywhere from zero to infinity in a short time. They enable complex functions and calculations. They make it possible to represent the most powerful set of values. only by formulas which in turn facilitated more complex mathematical functions.The Western world recognized – for the first time – the power of the Hindu numeral system: the power which inspired all mathematical advances to later leave Europe: algebra, ratio,
Such is the extraordinary power of Zero that it can elevate and connect all values on earth with a glorious infinite state - the same state in which Almighty God exists.
The number system in the Vedas
Many Vedic texts point to the decimal number system. The Yajurveda describes a number system with place values of up to 18 places, the highest of which is called the parardha used in Sankalpasa (religious resolutions).
It might be surprising to know that Indian sages used large numbers up to the power of 10 to the power of 62 and that too millions of years ago. Sage Valmiki, Author of Ramayana, Aadi Kaavya, was the first to use it. The following verses from the Ramayana are said to be written in the Tretâyuga, presenting the number system to the power of 10 to the power of 62:
satam s atasahsrânam, Kotim âhurmanisinah satam kotisahasrânam s ankurityabhidhiyate ||
satam satasahsram = One Koti i.e. Hundred hundred thousand = 100, 000 = 1 crore = 107 (1 followed by 7 zeros satam Kotisahsram = One Sanku i.e. Hundred thousand crore = 100,000, 0000,000 = sanku = 1 followed by 12 zeros.)
- 1 Koti = 1 followed by 7 zeros = 1 crore
- 1 sanku = 1 followed by 12 zeros = 1 lakh crore
- 1 Mahasanku = 1 followed by 17 zeros
- 1 Vrndam = 1 followed by 22 zeros
- 1 Mahavrndam = 1 followed by 27 zeros
- 1 Padmam = 1 followed by 32 zeros
- 1 Mahapadmam = 1 followed by 37 zeros
- 1 Kharvam = 1 followed by 42 zeros
- 1 Mahakharvam = 1 followed by 47 zeros
- 1 Samudram = 1 followed by 52 zeros
- 1 Ougham = 1 followed by 57 zeros
- 1 Mahaugham = 1 followed by 62 zeros
For example, after preparing bricks for a Vedic ritual , Rishi Medhâtithi prayed to the fire god, Agni :
Imâ with Agna istakâ dhenava
Santvekâ a desa a satam a
Sahasram āyutam a niyutam a
Prayutam ārbudam a nyarbudam a
Samudrasãa madhyam āntasãa
Parârdhasãaita agnava me
Oh Agni! Let these bricks be the milk that gives cows to me Please give me one and ten and a hundred and a thousand. Ten thousand and ten lakh and One crore and ten crore and a hundred crore, A thousand crore and one lakh crore in this world and another world too.
- eka - 1 - one ten - 10 - ten satam - 100 - hundred
- Prayutam -1000000 - ten lakhs - million
- arbudam -10000000 - one crore- ten million
- nyarbudam -100000000 - ten crore hundred million
- oceanm -10000000000 - hundred - billion
- madhyam -1000000000 - thousand crore- ten billion
- antam -100000000000 - ten thousand crore- hundred billion
- parardham -100000000000000- one lakh crore -- trillion
Please note that the Vedic altar itself is a geometric construction.
Even the concept of Fibonacci numbers can be found in the Vedic verse which is translated as The sunflower smiles at you with 34, 55 buds. (34, 55 are numbers in the Fibonacci number sequence.)
A sequence of a series of Fibonacci numbers in which the number is found by adding the previous two numbers. Starting with 0 and 1, the sequence becomes 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89,144 and so on.
Hindu scholars state that all large numbers use the decimal number system. The highest power of the 10 named today is 1030 ( Deca ). But ancient Hindu mathematicians had proper names for powers up to 1053.
The mathematical interpretation of Infinite and Zero can be illustrated with Vedic mantras. The following verse from the Yajurveda explains the mathematical concepts of infinity and 0. However, this verse (Shloka) is more metaphysical than mathematical:
Prnamadah pûrnamidam pûrnât pûrnamudacyate pûrnâsya pûrnam-aadaya prnamevâvasishyate
From infinity is born infinity; when infinity is taken from infinity, all that remains is infinity.
From zero born zero; when zero is removed from zero, what is left is also zero.
Atharvaveda has many references to numbers as shown below. The numbers in parentheses represent numbers to the power of 10.
Kshobhya (18), Nivahata atau vivaha (19), Utsanga (21), Bahula (23), Nagabaalaha, (25), Tilamba (27), Nahtua (28), Titlambha (31), Karahuhu (33), Ninahuta (33). 35), Hetyendriya (37), Sampatalambha (39), Niravadym (41), Akkohbini (42), Niravadya (43), Sarabalam (45), Vishamagnagati (47), Sarvagna (49), Vibhutagaama (51) Tallakshana (53). ), Adbuda (56), Nierabbua (63), Ahaha (70), Abada (77), Atata (84), Saganghika (91), Uppala (98), Kumuda (105), Pundarika (112), Paduma (119). ), Kathana (126), Mahakathana (133), Asamkhyeya (140) dan Dhvajgranishamani (421).
The Rig Veda has a cryptic verse quoted below which indicates its cosmic numerology. According to him the Cosmic Bull has four horns, three legs, two heads and seven hands (Rig Veda IV.58.3). Sounds like a symbolic way of presenting the majestic Kalpa number of 4,320,000,000 years.
Many Vedic mantras and even some slokas by ancient sages convey their spiritual message in well-protected capsule counts that are passed down from generation to generation.
The success of decoding the Vedic language will certainly open up a wide field of knowledge for the benefit of the public, especially its messages that are secretly stored in digital and mathematical codes.
The different systems of knowledge found in the Vedic texts should be linked together with similar modern systems of knowledge in a useful way. Here we are dealing with numbers and mathematics.
People of the older generation used to say that all knowledge is in the Vedas. Anyone who heard such words would have the first reaction that it was an exaggeration. We must remember here that each sloka in ancient Hindu manuscripts has more than one meaning.
In Hanuman Chalisa it is said:
Yug sahasra yojan par Bhanu! Leelyo taahi madhur phal janu
- 1 Yuga = 12000 divine years
- 1 Sahasra = 1000
- 1 Yojan = 8 Mil
Yuga x Sahasra x Yojan = Par Bhanu
12000 x 1000 x 8 miles = (Towards the Sun) 96,000,000 miles
1 mil = 1.6km
96,000,000 miles x 1.6kms = 1,536,000,000 km/96,000,000 miles to the Sun
NASA says that, this is the exact distance between the Earth and the Sun ( Bhanu ). It proves that Hanuman did jump to Planet Sun, considering it a sweet fruit (Madhur phal). It is fascinating how accurate and meaningful our ancient scriptures are. Unfortunately, it is hardly recognized or interpreted accurately or realized by any country in the world today.
How is one Yuga cycle = 12000 Divine Years?
The duration of the universe is set by the Almighty as 12000 years which are 360 human years each so the whole period is 4320000 human years. This duration is divided into four epochs namely 4000, 3000, 2000 and 1000 for Krita, Treta, Dvapara and Kali respectively. After each yuga there is a period of darkness. These are 800, 600, 400 and 200 respectively. All together 10000+2000 make 12000 Divine Years;
1 kalpa = 4320000x1000 = 4320000000. Brahman is compared to a mystical bull with 4 horns, 3 feet 2 ribbon heads 7 tongues whose 4 3 2 and 7 zeros are represented in 4-3-2-0000000 as described above]
The value of Pi to 32 Decimals from the Veda
A Sloka in the 10th book of the Rig Veda seems to have been written in praise of Lord Indra. The technical translation of the Sloka gives Pi values of up to 28 digits accurately. It wasn't until the invention of computers that western mathematicians were able to get this value up to 16 digits accurately. This is a test for those who think that computers can perform any calculations. Use the fastest computer available to you and write a program to accurately calculate Pi values up to 28 digits. You will know how difficult it is.
Kode Numeric Farewell dalam Farewell
In Sanskrit, the following Vedic Numerical codes are used in many verses:
कादि नव - Ka adi nava टादि नव - Ta adi nava पादि पञ्चक - Pa adi panchaka यादश्टक - Ya dyasatka क्ष शुन्यम् - Ksha soobyam
Meaning: Kadi Nava Starting from ka , a sequence of 9 letters represents 1, 2,..9
- Earlier Nava, starting from ta
- Paadi panchaka (1-5), starting from pa
- Yadyashtaka (1-8) starting from ya
- and ksha represents 0
The details are as follows:
ka ( a ) - 1, kha ( b ) - 2, ga ( c ) - 3, gha ( d ) - 4, gna ( ) - 5, cha ( f ) - 6, cha ( g ) - 7, ja ( h ) - 8, jha ( jha ) - 9
ta (ट) - 1, tha (ठ) - 2, da (ड) - 3, dha (ढ) - 4, ~ na (ण) - 5, Ta (त) - 6, Tha (थ) - 7, Da (द) - 8, Dha (ध) - 9
pa ( p ) - 1, pha ( f ) - 2, ba ( b ) - 3, bha ( b ) - 4, ma ( m ) - 5
ya ( y ) - 1, ra ( r ) - 2, la ( l ) - 3, va ( v ) - 4, sa ( sh ) - 5, sha ( s ) - 6, sa ( s ) - 7, ha (h) - 8
kshah ( q ) - 0.
Pi value hidden in sloka
Based on the above guidelines there are many slokas in mathematics. For example, here is a sloka containing the value of Pi :
गोपीभाग्य मधुव्रातः श्रुंगशोदधि संधिगः |
खलजीवितखाताव गलहाला रसंधरः ||
gopeebhaagya maDhuvraathaH shruMgashodhaDhi saMDhigaH
khalajeevithakhaathaava galahaalaa rasaMDharaH
ga-3, pa-1, bha-4, ya-1, ma-5, dhu-9, ra-2, tha-6, shru-5, ga-3, sho-5, dha-8, dhi- 9, sa-7, dha-9, ga-3, kha-2, la-3, jee-8, vi-4, tha-6, kha-2, tha-6, va-4, ga-3, la-3, ha-8, la-3, ra-2, sa-7, dha-9, ra-2
3.1415926535897932384626433832792… (Pi value up to 32 decimal places)
The above verse actually has 3 meanings: 1. In the glorification of Lord Shiva 2. In the glorification of Lord Vishnu, and 3. The value of Pi is up to 32 decimal places.
There were many discoveries in science and technology in ancient Hinduism, we just have to sift through the sands of time to find them.
Mystery Figures in Hindu Texts
The Skanda Purana says that when Brahman created all of these creations and living beings, he also created a circle that divided the entire sky.
This chakra is called the Constellation-chakra which has 12 constellations or zodiac signs from 27 constellations. The entire universe is pulsating by the influence of these planets, stars and constellations which are also the cause of every creation, birth, sustenance and death.
The Kalachakra experts are well aware of the disturbances in the cycles of the planets, the year and the moon. Consistent with this view is the concept that humans, like the true solar system, are subject to fluctuations, disturbances, and inequalities.
Periods are based on the numbers 27, 54, 108, 360 and 21600. The real thing is breathing, Pranayama says the Sanskrit text. Respiration consists of two parts, inhalation and expiration. The interweaving of time and astronomy and breath is the Kalachakra. Kalpa = Mahakala = Brahma = Time.
Each Nakshatra has 4 pad a (step) said modern astrology 27x4 = 108. That's how to get 108.
The ancient sages divided the 360 degrees of the ecliptic by 12 to arrive at the 30 degrees of the Zodiac. It takes 72 solar years (which is roughly the average human life) for the solstice to shift one degree in proportion to the fixed stars and it will take 72x30=2160 solar years for the shift to continue through one zodiac. The total cycle is 2160x 12=25920 years. This is called the Great Year.
Surya Siddhanta gives precession (slow rotation of the rotating axis of a rotating object) as 54 arcseconds of a circle, a year. Modern calculations set this at 50 seconds. It takes 71.6 solar years to shift one degree. This adds up to a complete cycle of 25776 years. Of course constant changes also occur in the Cosmos. It all shows how far our sages have come! How they could do it with the naked eye and mental thoughts remains a mystery!
The cosmic concept of the Kalachakra in influencing the measurement of time should not be forgotten. Two straight lines of the same length that intersect vertically at their midpoints produce four right angles that add up to 360 degrees. The ends when joined in an arc form a circle that delimits the endpoints. Therefore a circle has 360 degrees. When these are divided internally into twelve equal segments each segment has an angular motion of 30 degrees. These 12 segments are the 12 Zodiac signs in astrology. Furthermore, each degree can be divided into 60 minutes and each minute into 60 seconds. One arc minute in Sanskrit is also known as " Asu ".
Modern clocks are designed on this model to provide a circular moment on the hour hand through 360 degrees in 12 hours. In the Savana Manam Hindu Calendar one year has 360 days. One month has 30 days and one Paksha 15 days. 360/12 gives 30 (there are 30 Muhurthas in a day). 30 (Muhurthas) x12 (Zodiac Sign) = 360 (days of the year)
The Upanishads say the human energy body is constructed of 72000 Nadi or energy flows (These are not physical nerves as is often translated). There are 3600 Vinadi in a day. When we multiply 3600 by 20 we arrive at 72000 which is the energy flow (astral path) mentioned in the Prasna Upanishad.
In one day, humans breathe 2,1600 times under normal circumstances, according to Yogasastra of Patanjali . If we multiply 21600 breaths 20 times we get 432000 which is the total number of years in Kaliyuga . If we multiply 3600 the number of Vinadi in a day 20 times we get 72000 which is the number of energy pathways in humans mentioned in the Upanishads . The numbers 20, 60, 3600, 21600, 72000 and 432000 all have a common factor of 20, the divine mystery number. Probably, 20 represents 5 panchbhuta + 5 Jnanedriya + 5 Karmendriya +5 Pancha Pranas ruled by Atman.