The sloka mantra “ lokah samastah dukhino bhavantu” is a prayer to live in harmony with all beings in nature and a blessing for all His creations in the world. It is believed in Hindu tradition that God appears in three aspects: Brahma (creator of the world), Visnu (maintainer) and Siva (smelter). This manifestation of the embodiment of the cosmic divinity also finds its representation in the sound of the mantra.
Despite the fact that this mantra does not appear in any of the existing branches of the Veda (Veda sakha ), it is a pure and sincere expression of the universal spirit we find in it.
The most important aspect of this mantra is that one prays not only for oneself or one's relatives, but for the whole world or rather, all Loka.
Loka in the Hindu Veda refers to the “universe”. Loka is the Sanskrit word for "world or nature". In Hindu mythology a special meaning is needed related to Hindu cosmology.
Loka, with the ordinary physical eye is everything that exists in the physical world. But Hindus believe in the existence of fourteen Loka (worlds) also called Tala and each loka is a world full of entities.
Fourteen Loka are named: Bhur-loka, Bhuvar-loka, Suvar-loka, Mahar-loka, Janar-loka, Tapar-loka, Satya-loka, Brahma-loka, Pitri-loka, Soma-loka, Indra-loka, Gandharva-loka, Rakshasa-loka and Yaksha-loka.
In the Puranas , and in the Atharvaveda , there are 14 worlds, 7 of the higher ( vyhrti ) and 7 of the lower ( patala ), viz . bhu, bhuva, svar, maha, Jana, tapa , and satya most while and Atala, Vitala, sutala, rasaataala, talatala, mahaatala, patala and Narakadi are the lower worlds.
A site is not a specific space, concrete or ideal, but is a continuous flow of activity that fills not just one but many similar spaces.
Sloka of happiness and Peace
Oṃ, lōkāḥ samastāḥ sukhinō bhavantu
- लकाः समस्ताः सिन न्तु
O God, may all beings in the world be happy. May my thoughts, words and actions be for that truth.
This is one of the most popular blessings in Hinduism, which is chanted at the end of many prayers and songs. The alternative expressions are, sarve jana sukhino bhavantu and sarva lokah sukhino bhavantu . It has the same meaning.
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu is considered a power mantra, chanting it distances us from our personal ‘I’, directing all our love and affection to the world around us. At the same time it constantly reminds us that as part of the Universe, we have the power to influence it in a positive way.
The most basic phrase consists of four Sanskrit words that are believed to have several meanings to build a coherent prayer narrative:
- Lokāh: The world. Meaning the place where we are all now. But this is not just about focusing our awareness on the vastness of Space that contains the innumerable Universe. Above all, this is about our presence in the here and now.
- Samastāh: Creature. Refers to all living beings connected by threads originating from the Source. That is how we leave all illusions of separation.
- Sukhinō: Happiness. Brings the joy and happiness that we can experience if only we could free ourselves from suffering. He also recognizes that all living beings have the same right to freedom so that our own freedom cannot limit the freedom of other beings.
- Bhavantu: Hopefully so. As in "May all beings in all worlds be happy.". This opens the way to Enlightenment for all living beings, making it possible if only we could get rid of all suffering and the illusion of parting. This word also contains promise. This is the kind of call we can understand as: 'Hopefully!'
In the Hindu tradition it is believed that God reveals himself in the Trimutri - three aspects - in the form of Brahma (creator of the world), Vishnu (maintainer) and Shiva (destroyer of the world). These three forms of cosmic divinity also have their reflections in certain double voices. F and Cis for Brahma, F and C for Vishnu, while F and B for Shiva. This is the voice that is at the base of the mantra ‘ Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu ’.
The next mantra component, ‘ Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti ’, is also based on these voices. This expression is used not only as a mantra but also as a greeting after meditation or prayer. It consists of two components. The opening is Om - a mystical syllable that represents the basic and primal sounds of the cosmos, while at the same time pointing to Atman (the individual self and soul) and Brahman (the highest divine cosmic reality that transcends the personal self).
Every time we chant Om , we build a bridge between what is human and individual and what is cosmic and divine. This type of connection can be used to climb toward spiritual unity with divinity and free ourselves from all suffering. Om is the beginning and the end of everything - from the Universe to the known sentences of the Upanishads .
The syllable Om is often accompanied by the Sanskrit word ' Shanti ' which means peace (tranquility) and happiness that encompasses everything. Whenever this word appears in three readings, it means three forms of peace.
Why the happiness of the world?
Hindus want the well -being of the whole world in prayer and ritual singing for several important reasons. They do form the core beliefs of the Hindu Dharma. Hinduism is probably the only religion that accepts diversity as a fact of life and an expression of God and Nature, and everyone’s happiness is an important consideration, if not everyone’s goal.
Here are some important reasons why worldly happiness is important for a devout Hindu.
- One family: Hindus believe that all living beings on planet earth are one big family of God ( vasudaika kutumbam ). If the family is happy, you are happy. Therefore, it is our duty to pray for the well -being of everyone in this great family of God
- We are not alone. Most problems arise because we see ourselves as different individuals, disconnected from the world. The truth is we are not alone. We are part of the network of relationships that God has established on earth with His Maya . What effect affects all. What you do, consciously or unconsciously, leaves a ripple effect on the world and touches many lives. You cannot be happy in a sea of unhappiness. Therefore, if you want to be happy and peaceful, you must expect the well -being of others and contribute to their happiness.
- Service to God. All this here is inhabited by God. All this is only for the pleasure of God. He is in all and all is in him. Serving others is the same as serving God ( manava seva Madhava seva ). Therefore, when you meet others, remember that God is in them, and they deserve your love, respect, and consideration. By praying for them well and treating them well, you are expressing your love and devotion to God and doing many good things by participating in the sacrifice of life.
- Selfishness is evil. The blessing serves as a reminder that we should not live for our own happiness and well -being alone, but be involved in our duty to the well -being and happiness of all people. As housewives, it is our duty to serve others and thus God. The Vedas affirm that selfishness is evil ( adharma ). Whatever you do for yourself leads to sin, suffering, and rebirth. Therefore, live life as a sacrifice to God, serve others and pray for their well-being.
- Be a source of happiness from suffering. This world is not eternal. Everyone who lives here is subject to death, disease, and aging. Mortal life is a life of suffering. No one can escape from him. Everyone suffers. So why should we increase their suffering through our selfishness and evil actions? As long as we live, we must practice the highest virtues without violence, avoid causing suffering to others, live with self -control, practice virtue, avoid major evils such as anger, lust, pride, envy, etc., prioritize others. Serve them and pray for their well -being and happiness.