Modern Western astrology uses the tropical abstract Zodiac, showing that the Sun arrives at the same point on the vernal equinox.
Vedic astrology takes into account sidereal (fixed) horoscopes. The universe continues to expand, the stars move little by little, they don't stand still. The sun returns to the same point every year with a small displacement, which is about 50.26 arcseconds.
This shift of the Sun back toward the stars is called precession or Ayanamsha . Vedic astrology considers this very small shift, which is about 23 degrees over 2000 years. It so happens that these two zodiac signs fall on the vernal equinox in 285 AD.
Thus, the first difference between the Vedic and Western charts is that the planets and Lagna are shifted back by about 23 degrees, depending on the date of birth.
In Vedic astrology, every house takes on the entire sign even if the Ascendant sign falls on the first level. In Western astrology, one sign can cover up to three houses.Western astrology does not take into account (at least until recently) Rahu and Ketu, the shadow planets, which are important characteristics of human karma and other important moments. Westerners use the planets Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and now even Chiron. However, to examine the effect, we need hundreds of years. In addition, modern Western schools are now starting to consider smaller planets and even comets.
Vedic Astrology uses only the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the two lunar nodes, Rahu (Dragon Head) and Ketu (Dragon Tail). So, the Vedic fortune-teller works with nine planets, and in the interpretation of some moments also uses the 10 upa-graha or invisible planets such as Dhuma, Vyatipata, Paridhi, Indrachapa, Upaketu, Mandi, Gulika, Kala, Yamakantaka, Ardhaprahara and Mrityu.
Western astrology attaches great importance to the position of the Sun in a particular sign (it is there for a month), while Vedic astrology works based on the position of the Moon in the sign (2 days) and Lagna, the Ascending sign, which varies every 2 hours on average. From the position of Vedic astrology, it is rather strange to see people reading their psychological characteristics, prognoses for the future and determining their compatibility with others based on their month of birth.
Western astrologers mostly use planetary transits for prediction, as well as progress, of the Solar and Lunar. So far there are some who have mastered the knowledge well and can make successful predictions. I have heard from people who have taught Western astrology and been advised for years that their system cannot make successful predictions. Therefore, they began to organize themselves as psychological astrologers, humanists, etc., although in my view their psychological analysis was very superficial.
Vedic astrology accounts for about 10% of the attention on transit. The remaining predictions are made on the basis of various systems: Das (period), especially Vimshottri-dasa, while the basis is taken as the position of the Moon in a particular Nakshatra (moon house). Vedic astrology uses many different planetary period systems, the Dasa system, the most common of which is Vimshottri-dasa, a 120 year cycle of nine planets. Also, in Vedic astrology, there are different systems of the period of signs, when signs and not planets govern certain spheres of human life. In both cases, each period is ruled by a specific planet or sign indicating a potential birth chart. Overall, There are about fifty period systems (of the planets or signs) that allow Jyotish to achieve high accuracy in predicting the events of human life, especially when they occur. In Western astrology, such a period system does not exist.
Vedic astrology uses 27 very important Nakshatras (moon houses), they make it possible to take a deeper look at a person's chart any event. Some Western astrologers have also recently begun to use this knowledge. The Arabs, in turn, acquired them in the process of conquest, copied them from the Vedas, and gave them their names. The Greeks and Persians also had knowledge of the Nakshatra.
The position of the planets in Nakshatras (first from the Moon, Ascending sign, Sun) allows to reveal quite a lot. Each Nakshatra takes 13°20 degrees and is divided into 4 parts (Bearing). Nakshatras indicate exactly under what star a person is born.
Western astrologers use only one chart, the day of birth. Vedic astrologers say: yes, that is the most important, but there is also a no less important lunar chart, plus 16 additional charts (Vargas), which help to see in detail all aspects and areas of life, to penetrate deep into human psychology, including the subconscious. Vedic astrology also has many tools which are unique and not used in Western astrology. It is a Karaki or indicator which gives an understanding of different categories of people or other areas of human life, and also other predictive methods like: Ashtakavarga, Sudarshan Chakra Sarvatobhadra Chakra, Stocks, etc. As well as dozens of lagnas, arguments, Sahama, various chakras, varshaphal, ayurdaya, avastha, prashna, navatara, upagrahas, nadis, etc.
Vedic astrologers use yoga - the connection of the planets. There are thousands of yogas (planetary combinations), only a few hundred basics. There are still schools in India that only teach yoga, and because of this can analyze the charts quite well and quite deeply. Western astrologers know nothing about it.
The aspect interpretation system is also different. An aspect in astrology means influence from one object to another ("one planet sees another"), i.e. influence transmitted from a distance. In Vedic astrology different planets «give» different aspects according to their nature, in Western astrology all planets are the same. In Jyotish the aspect is asymmetric (that is, the aspect 90 degrees in front of the planet is not the same as the aspect 90 degrees behind the planet), in Western astrology it is symmetrical. In Western astrology there are many aspects and they are calculated by the degrees of the planets, in Jyotish there are not so many aspects and they are calculated by the planetary houses (planets in one house are «visible» in all the planets in another house and house signs). In the aspect of Western astrology itself can be good and bad, on the planet Jyotish are considered favorable or unfavorable and not their aspect. Also, there is no aspect of signs in Western astrology, whereas in Jyotish along with the planetary aspects there is an aspect of signs.
Vedic astrology uses a deeply studied system of effort (planetary methods affecting harmonization), as well as Ayurveda (medicine and psychology), etc.
In Vedic astrology much attention is paid to the personality, qualities of character and spiritual level and Sadhana (daily spiritual practice) of an astrologer. In Western astrology it is not important.
Vedic astrology was given by enlightened sages in meditation many years ago and is part of the Vedas. Modern Western astrology is only part of the knowledge. Vedic astrology was transmitted by Parampara (continuous chain of disciples) for thousands of years. From India it spread to Persia (it was the Persian clairvoyant who predicted the coming of Jesus Christ), then to ancient Greece where it is still at that time closely connected with its roots. Later, with the spread of Christianity, astrology was completed and then banned, much knowledge and many books were lost in Europe. In the 19th century in Europe astrology was completely forgotten, because it was believed that with the growth and development of technology it had become obsolete. It was revived in the 20th century and appears more like a commercial project. It became popular because it provided various types of predictions in the media (for weeks, months, years, etc.), and mostly corresponded to the position of the Sun, which, by and large, was far from the goal; it also mixes with magic, etc. All this causes a lot of damage to the word Astrology.
Most importantly, Jyotish (Vedic astrology) places God at the center of the Universe, while Western astrology, with its distinctly materialist approach, distances God from the picture of the world, and aims to exploit the resources of the material universe. In Vedic astrology, there is an important principle of Guru (spiritual guru), or Ishta Devata, without the blessing of which an astrologer has no right to engage in predictions, whereas in Western astrology there are no limits, even a self-taught person can engage in astrology. Jyotish in Sanskrit means «light», Divine light, and Vedic astrology is the science of how to give God's light to humans. The main aim of a real Vedic fortune teller is to bring one closer to God's love,
Astrology is simply a science of stars and is even a word in itself with the implication that humans are masters of nature (as in any other physical science).
The main goal of real Vedic fortune-tellers is to bring a person closer to God's love and secondary interests, helping at the same time to solve all kinds of problems that exist in the material world.
This prohibition had a positive result, as it forbade people to turn to fortune-tellers and fortune-tellers to predict the future. Only God knows the future. Astrology, apart from forecasting future visions, can know exactly when to start certain activities such as growing crops, taking medicine, religious sacrifices, etc.
Talking about the scientific character of Vedic astrology, what is meant are three factors that are considered very important by those who practice the science of Vedic Astrology:
- The basic principle is to mention the authors of the classic works on Jyotish (Vedic astrology) in discussing astrological techniques, starting with the enlightened sages who lived thousands of years ago, too many famous astrologers of our time.
- If the technique is consistent with the principles of the Shastras (classical Vedic scriptures), then it must stand the test of logic and common sense (Nyaya), i.e., it must be a logical extension of existing existing principles.
- If the above two factors are confirmed, the proposed principle must also pass the test on a large number of randomly selected graphs.
In conclusion, I would like to say that I am a supporter of objective and unbiased opinion, but in this article Vedic astrology is presented in a useful way. That's my opinion after about 20 years of studying and teaching this science.
Finally, many people have now noticed the growing popularity of Vedic astrology and have started teaching or giving advice actively without having the proper skills and knowledge. On the other hand, there are intuitive and highly spiritually advanced people who use Western astrology in consultation. Therefore, in this case, personality determines the outcome.
A harmonious personality, even using unsuitable tools, can help more than people who use the right tools but are unskilled. The same drug can be prescribed by two different doctors and the results will be different. The level of energy and personality development of a doctor, a psychologist, an astrologer, a teacher can hardly be overestimated.
Vedic Astrology and Self-Knowledge
Predictive Models and Counseling of Vedic Astrology
Vedic astrology is currently dominated by two main lines of interpretation; the first is predictive, while the second is counseling based. Each has its place.