Everything in the Vedic tradition comes from harmonious principles that begin with the pranava sound OM or 'Aum.' When this concept was adopted into almost every religion on Earth, music became the basis of human spirituality and provided the model of coherence needed for social organization and government. But central to all this is the cosmology of rebirth and rebirth based on the harmony that was obvious to ancient astronomers in the planetary cycle.
It starts with the concept of the Egg of the World, also called the Cosmic Egg ( Brahman Egg ). It is the idea that the Universe exists in a giant egg. Early philosophers may have inferred this from the relative sizes of the Earth and the Moon, which fit in geometric proportions like a chicken's egg.
For scholars in the early Vedas, the egg is said to be united by a world mountain or ‘mountain of rhythm,’ called Meru . Believed to be the vertical axis of the universe, Mount Meru (Mahameru) is thought to rise into the clouds like a giant Babylonian ziggurat, which provides a natural terrace for the gods to live and dance. Around its majestic form rotate the Sun, Moon and stars.
According to Pingala in The Art of Prosody (450-200 BC), Meru is a symbol for a pyramid of numbers arranged in such a way that their diagonals will produce the Fibonacci series {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ...}.
The important thing to be aware of about the Fibonacci series is that it converges to the golden ratio constant ('divine proportion') around 1.618033 by dividing the sum of each adjacent diagonal on Mount Meru. Indeed, this process forms a spiral that rotates to the center of the pyramid like a vortex even as the pyramid grows larger. This concept is described in the Vedas as Kubera gold.
While Indra was the king of the gods in nature, the ruler of Mount Meru was Kubera who ruled a large city with gold at its peak. His regular helper is a Dragon or a cobra who helps him hide his gold deep in their snake holes. Its gold is then protected by Shukra , the sky god Venus that hovers above.
In this most ancient Vedic legend we find a prototype of a mountain peak where the rulers of the magical house sing of eternity. This is the abode of Indra, Zeus and Yahwah. This is Abraham's vision of heaven - a vision that now has nothing to do with the natural world.
Gold in Meru is not material gold at all, but gold which means 'natural constant'. Venus is shielded by a pentagonal orbit around the Sun.
The planet Venus has been a major feminine basic pattern for God and fertility in many cultures and religions. She is personified as Shukra in the Indian Veda, Inana in ancient Sumer, Ishtar in Assyria and Babylon, Isisdi of Egypt, Lilith in ancient Israel, Astarte or Aphrodite to Greece, Freyja to the Nordics, Quetzalcoatal to Maya and Venus to Rome.
In each case, Venus is considered the goddess of love, beauty, and music and is often associated with a five -pointed star or pentagram. The reason for this association is found in the astronomical fact that Venus traces a pentagonal rose pattern in the sky as seen from Earth over a period of 8 years. In fact, the proportion of Venus's orbit to Earth is 13: 8, the proportion of Fibonacci 1,625 is very close to the golden ratio. In fact, the gold average itself can be found in Venus's retrograde loop , signaling the presence of a stabilizing portion of gold in the Sun's heliospheric plasma current sheet.
In ancient times, this pentagram of the orbit of Venus was very famous and highly revered. It is called the Morning Star, the Evening Star, Ishtar Babylon, the Star of Bethlehem and the Bearer of Light (Lucifer in Latin). The Gnostic followers of this star believe it brings enlightenment and wisdom to all who study it.
This pentagonal star is most likely the source of Venus's love, beauty, and musical attributes. It offers hope and proof of the undeniable order and divine intelligence in the cosmos. After all, how can people think that life is random and meaningless when the same star is found in an apple seed pattern, five rose petals and even their own anatomy?
Long before the Greeks, the ancient yogis had described the star in theological terms as the Sun that inseminated the orbital pattern of Venus, which gave birth to the Egg of the World.
In Hindu literature, Venus has many proven names including Bhrgu, Kavya, Kavi Usanas, and Shukra . An early 20th century Indian researcher named BG Tilak proposed that the early Vedic name for Venus was Vena . For example, Vena is mentioned in Rigveda 10.123 in a hymn dedicated to Shukra , describing it as Shukra forcing one to be born from the sun. ‘ These veins drive those who are in the womb of various kinds; the membrane of light measures the sky. On contact of water and sun the wise man kissed her as a baby. 'This spiritual hymn then explicitly calls Vena ' the son of the sun. '
We can understand this as a theological interpretation of a rare cosmological event known as the Venus Transit. It was known in ancient times that Venus transits between the Earth and the Sun in a 105.5 or 121.5 year long cycle in a double pattern repeating every 243 years.
In the Transit of Venus, we may find the earliest concept of birth as the ‘membrane of light’ of the Sun shining through Venus, giving birth to life on Earth. This light is the resonance of the feminine Shekinah or passes through the pentagonal 'birth canal' of Venus from the Indra. In this most ancient interpretation, the sacred feminine is revealed not only as a Judeo-Christian and Hebrew tradition, but also a celebration of fertility and celestial rebirth rooted in Vedic cosmology far ahead of Abraham.
We also find it a key element in the ancient musical theory of everything or universal music. As the initial plasma discs resonate in circular waves in and out of the Sun, a quiet damping ring forms at right angles to the giant golden spiral where the material is collected. As the plasma cools, the planets form in a quiet location and are harmoniously subdued. Being bent by the shrinkage of the sun's cooling disk as it begins to rotate through the curved and polarized disk of the galaxy, the planets settle into elliptical orbits just outside the Sun's equatorial plane.
Then began the 'ball of music' - music created from pure light and atomic resonance on an epic scale.
Harmonic Patterns in Nature
In this modern science, the first step to understanding harmonic resonance patterns is to study the simatic patterns created by vibrating sand or water.
Each pattern is the result of a specific harmonic frequency reflected in a container, such as water in a glass.
For example, a pentagonal geometry is formed either by one resonant frequency at partial of wave 4 of the primary resonance frequency (4: 1 = 5 nodes) or two frequencies forming an interval, such as the fifth perfect (3: 2 = 5 nodes). In both cases, we simply add two sides of the harmonic proportion to find the geometric shape. Simatic patterns can also form in low pressure zones formed between two pressure differential regions (described in a previous discussion of damping wells).
In a rotating bucket of water, a simatic pattern arises from the speed difference between the outer edge of the bucket and its central axis. As before, the geometry is determined by the proportion of frequencies created.
The swirling weather pattern works the same way, rotating around the center while closing into an approximate circle in the center.
In recent years, the strongest storms have sometimes formed simatic patterns in the clouds, even tracing the pentagram inside the pentagonal eye. Similar formations have been found on other planets, such as the giant hexagon around Saturn's south pole.
Although it is clear that the bucket acts as a container for wave patterns standing in the water, what can we say is a container for weather patterns? Most will answer 'clouds' or 'planets' but the more appropriate answer is gravity.
Gravity acts as a damping well in space around the planet, forming a spherical bubble where waves can bounce off and form a stable pattern.
The same thing happened in the past in our solar system's plasma discs, forming planets in orbits spaced around at right angles along the Golden Spiral. In the process, the planets and their moons show various resonant properties. The most obvious is Venus's resonant orbit to Earth.
In the heliosphere sheet at the time of the sun, Phi-damping wells once existed in the plasma between Earth and Venus. On one side of the well is the node planet Venus and on the other Earth. For every 13 orbits that Venus passes around the Sun, the Earth travels almost exactly 8, creating a 13: 8 resonance ratio (mentioned in the harmonic formation section). Since 13/8 = 1.625, the two orbits straddle a stable Phi damping eigenvector in intermediate space, forming a pentagonal star geometry at the conjunction of the two planets.
This simatic star pattern was known in ancient times as the Eastern Star, the Morning Star, the Star of Babylon and the Star of Bethlehem. Because it ascended in the sky before the Sun, it was called the 'light bearer' or in Latin ' Lucifer. ‘This orbital star pattern played an important role in many early religions and was associated with God’s holy feminine presence.
These include the Veins in Hinduism (Shukra), Kali, Ishtar, Innana, Astarte, Semiramis, Ashtoreth, Isis, Aphrodite, Venus, Demeter, Hathor, Ostara and Eastre.
Celestial mechanics is not the only place where harmony helps nature organize itself. At the atomic level, harmonic resonance between atoms is known as bonding. In terms of life, 99% of living things are made of water and carbon and the way the geometry of these atoms is in harmony. Specifically, the two assume a map of pentagonal connectivity at the mesoscopic level where molecules converge together.
Because carbon-water groups fit together to form cells, organs, and bodies, life assumes a series of organic forms. Natural geometry is not merely a matter of natural selection and random mutations. Atomic resonance is also at work, guiding the formation of various forms of life into a number of possibilities that are then further differentiated by the environment.
For humans, the pentagonal shape is a guiding harmonic pattern, creating a pentagon-double arrangement in the DNA molecule, a pentagonal cranium and five fingers and toes on each side of our body.
In this way, the physiological form can be described as the process of harmonic patterns emerging from the Fibonacci spiral - just like the harmonic standing waves generated from the golden ratio fractal.
Note that the golden ratio of Phi = (1 + √5) / 2
What is a Harmonic Form?
Known as Landau damping, waves that pass through each other largely transparently, avoiding direct collisions, are called 'avoided crossings.' In such cases, energy is exchanged in a 'parameter zone' where one wave pushes the other, creating a kind of swivel well or vortex action. Like a kind of switch, energy is passed 'adiabatically' (without heat loss) across a damping well in a kind of torque action.
We can think of damping wells as a kind of low pressure zone like the one in our atmosphere that creates storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes. The surrounding pressure differential causes an explosion toward the center of the low pressure zone, forming a vortex.
In the special case of standing waves, damping wells are formed at a constant location in the golden part of the period of the main resonance frequency. This is because the golden ratio constant, represented by the Greek letter _ (or Phi) and equal to a ratio of about 1: 0.618033 ... or 1.618033, is not reflective while having the unique ability to nest into itself indefinitely. As a result, energy is exchanged between the harmony and the proportion of Phi while some of the harmonic waves begin to ripple out of the edge of the well.
Therefore, the damping well of a standing wave can be described as a Fibonacci spiral converging to Phi, the deadliest location in a standing wave and thus the largest point of torque and energy exchange between harmonics. This can be proved by using the Fibonacci series as a nominal solution to a second order equation known as the 'characteristic wave damper equation.' In this proof, the golden ratio of Phi becomes the 'eigenvector' and the Fibonacci series (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ...} becomes its 'eigenvalue.'
In fact, we can understand harmonic formation as something called 'heterogenization' in which each harmonic appears around a Phi eigenvector in a nested gold section like a fractal.
A paper by Bovenkamp and Giandinoto entitled 'Combining the Golden Ratio of Phi into a Schrödinger Wave Function using a Phi Recursive Heterodyning Set ' shows how this can happen, but there are easier ways to visualize it.
Fibonacci damping wells approach the irrational Phi Heterodyning Set with rational harmonic waves. Above the 13: 8 ratio, the wave formation is muted and suppressed while below in the range {1 .. 12} integer harmonics can form and resonate constructively with the primary resonance frequency.
Standing wave reflection cannot be maintained when one of the three dimensions in the container is at or even approaching the golden ratio to the other.
Harmonious Nature
How exactly should we define harmonk ideals in this world? What model should we use and how can it be used to rebalance social behavior and create sustainable solutions? The answer can be found in something called "resonance".On a natural macro scale, hot plasmas rotate into galaxies that in turn rotate into the solar system - each with its planets and moons rotating. From this ocean of plasma emerges a sublime harmony of light, resonating over time into a quiet concentric ring along a circular spiral. It is the balance between spirals and circles that sets the stage for life.
However, on the micro scale nature lies like the quantum fabric of space -time, which boils down as a balanced and perfect standing wave matrix. In this matrix, light -shaped crystals become resonant atoms. And when different atoms resonate in different harmonies, they are bound by larger geometric structures that we call molecules. These are the elements of music, resonating in the wave structure of space-time.
When the macro is balanced with the micro, the beautiful cosmic waves begin to rotate. These are waves of carbon and water bonding into endless sticky amino acid bonds, creating the building blocks of life. Through this continuous process of resonance, they begin to fold into proteins, organize themselves as DNA, wrap into cells and grow into organisms, evolving in harmony with their environment. This is inevitable from the universe created by the law of harmony.So, we are at the crossroads between macro and micro - the world projected from above and below. In the midst of this reality, we live like on the edge of a razor blade with the greatest potential for harmony. It is ourselves who offer the model we seek, our minds must be free to accept the harmonious nature in us.