Loka Samgraha is a philosophical concept about human behavior towards nature, the environment and God in a social context.
Loka samgraha is a philosophy of action in Hinduism that emphasizes selfless action. All actions in this spirit are aimed at the good and harmony of society. Based on the normative ethical theory, loka samgraha actually has a consequentialist essence, not a deontological one.
This philosophy is contained in the Bhagavad-gita , which deals specifically with the meaning of duty. Bhagavad-gita is part of the Mahabharata, so understanding of Bhagavad-gita cannot be separated from the plot of the Mahabharata. Likewise the understanding of Loka Samgraha must be understood in the Mahabharata narrative.
Etymologically, loka samgraha comes from the words loka and samgraha . Loka denotes man or the world, samgraha means protecting, preserving, regulating. Although the term is interpreted in several definitions, it generally means 'the welfare of society'.
The actualization of the spirit of loka samgraha in the new normal era can be realized in various concrete actions, including: 1) Building Personal Health, 2) maintaining environmental health, 3) implementing health protocols, 4) carrying out community awareness movements, and 5) building a relationship with God. intensely.
This philosophy is contained in the Bhagavad-gita , which deals specifically with the meaning of duty. Bhagavad-gita is part of the Mahabharata, so understanding of Bhagavad-gita cannot be separated from the plot of the Mahabharata. Likewise the understanding of Loka Samgraha must be understood in the Mahabharata narrative.
Incomplete understanding allows for misunderstanding of the true meaning, as seen in some readers who do not have a clear point on the basis of Sri Krishna's ethics in interpreting the philosophy of Loka Samgraha .
The Covid-19 outbreak has changed many aspects of life. This crisis has forced everyone to adapt to the new order and behavior of life. Violation of the new norms has tragic consequences for human life.
The threat is very serious, the contagion is mysterious and massive. A study shows that there is a positive relationship between psychological flexibility with mental health and life satisfaction.
There are six important processes of research, namely:
- Admission based on experience
- Defuse or cognitive deliteralization is a technique used in acceptance and commitment therapy to help people deal with uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. Cognitive diffusion involves creating space between ourselves, our thoughts and feelings so that they have no control over us
- Self as context
- Contact with the present
- Values
- Actions taken to achieve something.
The ability to adapt to situations, awareness, openness, focus and accompanied by effective action is very significant.
The Covid-19 outbreak needs to be handled wisely and carefully. This pandemic must be handled wisely, carefully, and should not be taken lightly. The next important question, what is our attitude and what should we do?
- First, build 'self-awareness', that we are part of the problem, but we are also part of the solution. 'We are part of the problem' means that we have the potential to be infected with COVID-19, and the medium of transmission. Ignorance of this problem, is not only bad for yourself but others. In fact, 'we are part of the solution', we can be a medium of prevention and solution to this problem.
- Second, concrete actions based on solutions. In line with the spirit of loka samgraha, we must become agents of problem solving, like Arjuna who is an agent of change in upholding the principles or virtues of dharma.
Therefore, the concrete actions that must be taken are:
A. Building Personal Health
Several studies have shown a relationship between infection and the epidemiology of COVID-19 with a person's immune system and level of health. As research by Saghazadeh and Rezaei "Immune-epidemiological parameters of the novel coronavirus - perspective" resulted in the finding that age, comorbidities, and the immune system are susceptible to covid-19 infection.
Based on these facts, building personal health is important in this regard. With good health, the potential for Covid-19 transmission is smaller or even not infected. Thus, we do not become a medium for the spread of this virus to others, and become a breaker in the chain of spreading this virus.
The positive side of this pandemic is the growing awareness of the importance of health, both mental and physical. Positive actions that can be taken to maintain health is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Various studies show that a healthy lifestyle has a positive impact on human health, including a healthy and regular diet, adequate rest, regular exercise, managing stress, meditation, and yoga. Today, personal health is part of public health.
Therefore, the awareness to build personal health becomes an individual contribution to public health.
B. Maintaining Environmental Health
Humans and nature have an inseparable relationship. As part of nature, humans have a significant dependence on the natural surroundings. Natural conditions have an impact on human life, human behavior has implications for nature. This situation can be better understood when environmental problems occur, such as natural disasters. Likewise, due to human behavior with illegal logging activities that damage natural ecosystems, then cause disasters such as landslides and floods.
Human health is influenced by the surrounding natural conditions. Studies on the relationship between the two have been widely disclosed, and show the mutual influence of the relationship. A healthy environment will have a positive impact on human health, and vice versa.
In the new normal phase, real actions as the actualization of local samgraha values can be done by maintaining the cleanliness, health and balance of our environment. Example:
- mutual cooperation, cleaning the living environment. This activity is one of the local wisdom that needs to be revitalized,
- spraying disinfectant in residential areas,
- localization of landfills,
- tree planting,
- normalization of waterways and
- cleaning every house.
Clean living behavior through concrete actions is important to restore collective awareness of the environment. As part of nature, every human being has a responsibility to maintain the health and harmony of nature. Hindus in Indonesia, in their vision of harmony, implement the values in the Vedas ( Rig-Veda and Bhagavad-gita ) into the conception of Tri Hita Karana .
Tri Hita Karana signifies the three causes of prosperity produced by a balanced and harmonious relationship in a unified whole between man and God, man and society, man and nature.
Thus, human responsibility in maintaining the health and harmony of the natural environment has a religious dimension, because it is part of the dharma (obligation) in his life. Denial of this obligation is adharma, and has a negative impact on humans and nature. This concrete action is proof of its contribution to efforts to prevent and stop the spread of COVID-19, as well as to have a positive impact on the wider community.
C. Implementing Health Protocol
The next action is to implement the health protocols submitted by the government and WHO. Discipline and community participation in implementing these health protocols are not only important to prevent personal infection, but also to prevent transmission to others.
On the other hand, this behavior is a role model in providing education to other people who do not yet have the awareness and discipline in responding to the new normal situation of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Residents are agents of change towards the right order of life, as Arjuna did. The real action of discipline is carrying out health protocols in the new normal phase, as announced by the government and WHO.
Revitalization of the Community Care Movement The COVID-19 outbreak in Indonesia has damaged various vital sectors, resulting in basic problems of human life, namely: unemployment, poverty, hunger, health, education, and other problems.
This problem makes a big change in people's lives in Indonesia, especially in the economic aspect. Factory and company employees are examples of people who have been directly affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. we can imagine how difficult it is to support their families and other needs such as health, education, electricity, water, all of which cost money, but on the other hand they have no source of income. This is a tragedy like bharata yuda.
During this crisis, all the wisdom, empathy and noble values of religion are being billed by circumstances. sadness really seems so real and close to us. For Arjuna, this is the calling of dharma (obligation).
Therefore, the spirit of loka samgraha is relevant in this case. That spirit must be realized through the 'community care movement' for those affected by this epidemic according to our capabilities. Examples of real actions are: 1) providing basic food assistance, 2) medicines, 3) providing masks and hand sanitizers, 4) housing facilities, 5) health facilities, 6) cash for education, 7) volunteering in humanitarian organizations to handling covid-19, 8) educating the public about health protocols, 9) educating about meditation, 10) educating about yoga, other things related to the issue of covid-19 in this new normal era.
e. Build a Relationship with God
The COVID-19 pandemic has revived human existential questions about their existence, the purpose of their existence, and the meaning of life. A living reality that transcends logic is being showcased.
Covid-19 has killed everyone regardless of their identity. Wealth, reputation, prestigious jobs, beautiful plans that have been prepared, even romance suddenly disappears and is snatched away by this virus. So many souls have been shaken by this corona outbreak.
Building a relationship with God is one of the most argumentative options. This can be considered a symptom of neurosis, but on the other hand, the presence of God in humans has had a positive impact that is very beneficial for human life, especially to respond to the epidemic in this new normal era.
The presence of God gives a feeling of calm, peace, happiness, patience, hope, optimism, not easily discouraged, humble, compassionate, and other positive qualities. This situation is very important for human mental health.
Loka samgraha in the perspective of karma yoga (philosophy of action) is a form of actualization of divine values in action.
The end of the spirit of Loka samgraha is the loss of personal desire to act. Actions taken only for the sake of dharma or sacred obligations that are intended to benefit others.
The essence of dharma (virtue) in this spirit of action is the essence of divinity itself. Loka samgraha is man's relationship with God through action. Real action in the spirit of the samgraha workshop carried out in the context of the covid-19 pandemic in the new normal era is identical to building a relationship with God.